Here it first blog post on the site. I wanted to start documenting my progress on projects and share occasional thoughts on modelling and aerospace. I have been wanting to do this for a while now and there is no time like the present. After moving twice over the last year, I am finally settled down and able to focus a little more time on creating new model kits and accessories.
First I wanted to thank all of you that have supported my work. I have received a lot of positive feedback on my kits so far and it motivates me to bring more unique models to the hobby. I have so many ideas and not enough time! I want to ensure all my products are of the highest quality and as accurate as I can make them. It takes a long time to bring you every new item, so I plan to use this blog to help document my progress. In that spirit, my first update...
The Space Shuttle cockpit set, released last year, was something I have wanted to do for a long time. After I bought my first Revell 1/72 Space Shuttle kit I was disappointed with the accuracy of these old kits. While conducting research for the update set I have found many more details that I would love to correct. I have also released the forward RCS module to improve the detail on the most visible area of the kit. At this scale, the shuttle has as much potential for detail as a 1/32 fighter jet. I think this subject deserves so much more detail than is available today.
I have received several questions about fitting my parts to the Monogram kit. Unfortunately the parts aren't very straight forward to modify for the Monogram kit and it can be expensive to make new mold masters. I plan to do more posts to explain the differences between these kits and how my kits work with them. I have fit checked my cockpit set to the Monogram and it can probably be modified to fit, but the RCS module was designed to exactly match the contours of the Revell kit and the nose sections on these two kits are not the same, so I can't recommend trying to adapt it to the Monogram kit. I have a copy of the Monogram kit, and I understand it will be good to make parts for this kit, since it is available with the full launch stack. So I will look at ways to make more parts for the Monogram kit in the future.
After some time sitting on the shelf, the Space Shuttle tire set is back in work. I have had some difficulty getting the molds to reliably reproduce the fine bolt details and release the tires without them breaking off of the support structure. However, I think I am getting closer and hope to have the kit released early in 2019.
I know the first few releases have all been for the 1/72 Space Shuttle, but I do have several other accessories and full model kits in the works. Some I will reveal soon, and others you will have to wait to see, but I have a lot in work. I look forward to talking about them more in the future.
I have so many more ideas, but would welcome suggestions for new products on any aerospace subject. If you would like to provide feedback, contact me under the "Contact Us" page of the website.
Happy modelling!